The simulation is based on maps of surface of human brain cortex and maps of human head located in the following program: Brainstorm
Video of Travelling Wave (TW) with epicenter higher than the left furrow of occipital cortex (epicenter v17905)
Video of TW with epicenter higher than the furrow of the right occipital cortex (epicenter v180346)
Video of electric field dynamics from symmetrical sources in the occipital cortex (epicenters v17905, v180346)
Video of magnetic field dynamics from symmetric sources in the occipital cortex (epicenters v17905, v180346)
Video of magnetic field dynamics from the source in the left occipital cortex (epicenter v17905)
Video of magnetic field dynamics from the source in the right occipital cortex (v213, v165660)
Video of symmetrical TW with epicenters close to the poles of occipital cortices (v213, v165660)
Video of TW with epicenters located close to the left occipital cortex (v165660)
Video of TW with epicenter located close to the right occipital cortex (v213)
Video of magnetic field dynamics from sources in the occipital cortex of both hemispheres (v213, v165660)
Video of magnetic field dynamics from the source in the left occipital cortex (v213)
Video of magnetic field dynamics from a source in the right occipital cortex (v165660)
Video of electric field dynamics from the source in the right occipital cortex (v165660)
Video of electric field dynamics from a source in the left occipital cortex (v213)

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