4 декабря в 15:00 в конференц-зале ИВНД и НФ состоится заседание Журнального клуба. Доклад подготовит Сергей Саложин на основе статьи: Temporary disruption of fear potentiated startle following PKMζ inhibition in the amygdala. В среду 4 декабря в 15:00 в конференц-зале ИВНД и НФ состоится очередное заседание Журнального клуба. Доклад подготовит Сергей Саложин на основе статьи: Temporary disruption of fear potentiated startle following PKMζ inhibition in the amygdala. Ryan G. Parsons and Michael Davis Nat Neurosci.2011.14(3): 295–296.

This study tested whether protein kinase M zeta (PKMζ) inhibition in the amygdala permanently disrupts fear memory by testing retention at various intervals after PKMζ blockade. Although the expression of fear memory was disrupted when the inhibitor was applied shortly before testing,it had no effect when rats were tested with longer retention intervals. These results suggest that PKMζ inhibition does not erase memory, but temporarily disrupts expression of memory.