The untimely death of Dr. Ara S. Bazyan, a very versatile investigator was a great loss for the Institute employees and many of those who has an ability to be his companion or listen to his presentations.
Biophysical analysis of many brain regions allowed A.S. Bazyan to reveal the role of peptide, noradrinergic and GABA-ergic pecularities in the process of generation of conditional reflex, extend these knowledge to wide generalizations connected with perception, emotional feelings and their representation in different brain regions. A.S. Bazyan found that adaptive brain capacities together with its potency can be responsible for his volnurability. That's why his last interests was coonected with pathological phenomena in neural system and their molecular and genetic base.
Ara S. Bazyan was a foreign member of Armenian National Academy of Sciences. He also has a patent on invention of the "Method of preparation of brain tissue to investigation of mediator release". He has,multiple awards for best presentations on international scientific-technical conferences.
We deeply grieve about the loss about this scientist and principled leader, kind friend and comrade.