The new format of online communications, which came to us during the pandemic, has become firmly entrenched in our lives, especially in the fields of education and business. On the one hand, we have received more freedom and opportunities, on the other hand, many are dissatisfied with the remote format of interaction. Most are inclined to believe that the live format of communication allows you to better understand and feel the interlocutor, and gives the speaker the opportunity to feel the audience, feedback from it and build a more emotional and memorable report. All this is due to the fact that in addition to the verbal information that people share when communicating, we read the flow of visual and auditory non-verbal information, which creates a complete picture of the interlocutor’s perception. It has been shown that in the perception of visual non-verbal information, an important role is played by the mirror system of the brain and the motor and sensorimotor areas of the cortex, where information about the movements, gestures, posture and facial expressions of the interlocutor is projected.

Primary sensory areas in the vertebrate neocortex (visual, auditory, somatosensory) is a central region of corresponding sensory analyzer. It was considered for a long time that such regions provide exact coding if visual information and thus doesn't undergo plasticity. However, several types of learning have been found there including perceptive learning that is accompanied by plastic restructurings in primary sensory areas. A bright example of such a learning is an ability to distinguish close audotory tones that is developed during prolonged musical lessons. The employees of the IHNA RAS have published a paper about cellular mechanisms of plasticity in the primary visual cortex of mice. They showed that besides the Hebbian learning so called heterosynaptic plasticity also takes place. The main idea of heterosynaptic plasticity is to modification of synapses exclusively caused by the activity of postsynaptic neuron when the presynaptic one is not active. In our research we have studies change of functional properties of neurons inside the visual cortex after induction of high-frequency bursts of action potential (intracellular tetanization). This was shown earlier that such an interaction results to massive restructurings of synaptic inputs to a given neuron where some inputs undergo long-term potentiation and another ones exhibit long-term depression. In order to be able to selectively activate a single cell we used optogenetics approach where all cells were infected by adeno-associated virus that has brought gene of light-activated channel protein called rhodopsin 2. After that a thin glass electrode was introduced to the neuron that allowed both to register extracellular activity and to light this cell locally by blue light inducing high-frequency bursts of spikes there. At the beginning of the experiment 12 gratings moving in different directions were demonstrated to a mouse. Next, the responses of the neurons were used to construct so called orientation selectivity map of the cells. Neurons in the primary visual cortex doesn't respond to all visual stimuli in the same way. They respond stronger only to a stimulus of some optimal orientation. Higher the difference between the responses to different moving stimuli narrower the orientation tuning of the cell. This was shown that induction of high-frequency (75-100 Hz) bursts of spikes in pyramidal neuron broadens its orientation selectivity. Using these data one can suppose that high-frequency spiking activity occured in the post-synaptic cell in the absence of specific sensory stimulation (i.e., during the sleep) can result to decline in the directional selectivity of cells that provides an opportunity to the more thin adjustment of properties of the visual cells to new visual scenes during the alert state. The probable mechanism underlying in such restructurings is based on change in effectiveness of synaptic inputs developing through the mechanism of heterosynaptic plasticity. Such an investigation was supported by the Russian scientific Foundation (grant No. 20-15-00398).

Currently, practically nothing is known about the biological processes occurring in the brain in most mental pathologies. One such pathology is non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). Researchers from the IHNA&NPh RAS and the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry have outlined a new direction of research - the search for correlates of this condition with the composition of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) in the blood. The results of a pilot study on this topic were recently published. The work assessed the quantitative characteristics of sEVs in the blood of patients with NSSI and compared the concentration and size of sEVs in patients with major depressive disorder with and without NSSI, as well as assessed the relationship between the sizes and concentrations of sEVs in the sample with such parameters as the severity of anxiety, depression and suicidal risk. The size and concentration of the isolated particles were assessed using dynamic light scattering and nanoparticle tracking analysis.
Authors found that NSSP in people with major depressive disorder is associated with a more severe course of the disorder (greater severity of depression, situational and personal anxiety), as well as a higher risk of suicide. The study did not reveal differences in the quantitative characteristics of sEV in patients with a depressive episode with and without NSSI. The authors believe that future research should be aimed at investigating the structural differences and functional features of sEVs in NSSI.

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a new and actively developing area of modern experimental and theoretical biology, which attracts researchers primarily by the possibility of using EVs as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic agents. Currently, the largest amount of data has been accumulated on small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) - exosomes, vesicles of endosomal origin, and ectosomes (formerly known as microvesicles), which are a product of direct budding from the plasma membrane. In a recent review, authors from the IHNA&NPh RAS and the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry examine the main stages of the biogenesis of exosomes and ectosomes, the main processes of intracellular membrane traffic, as well as signaling with the participation of sEVs. In addition, the authors discuss the role of sEVs in the physiology and pathophysiology of the nervous system, as well as many promising aspects of studying the biology of sEVs.