Pavel M. Balaban

Chief of the Department, D.Sc. in Biology, Academic of RAS

Laboratory of Cellular Neurobiology of Learning


  • Balaban P.M. The principles of the organization of the nervous system: the mechanisms of learning and memory in simple systems // In: Selected chapters of fundamental and translational medicine / ed. ed. R.I. Zhdanov. - Kazan: Kazan publishing house. University, 2014 .-- 592 p. ISBN 987-5-00019-266-5
  • Tukhbatova G.R., Gulyaev M.V., Svinov M.M., Salozhin S.V., Balaban P.M. The use of lentiviral transduction technology for the comparative analysis of the neuroprotective activity of trophic factors in modeling acute cerebrovascular accident in local areas of the brain // In: Neurodegenerative diseases: from the genome to the whole organism // Ed. M.V. Ugryumova. - in 2 volumes - M.: Scientific World, 2014. ISBN 978-591522-400-0

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