Kristina K.D. Vigasina

Junior scientist
graph analysis, motor imagery, brain computer interfaces, eyetracking
Laboratory of General and Clinical NeurophysiologyE-mail:
Publication list
- Danilov G.V., Vigalina K.D., Strunina Yu.V., Kaverina M.Yu., Galkin M.V., Kuleva A.Yu., Alexeeva A.N., Lazutkin A.A., Enikolopov G.N., Krotkova O.A. Gaze Fixation Patterns Correlate with Visual Attention and Memory: the Results of a Pilot Study in Healthy Subjects. Modern Technologies in Medicine. 2019. V. 11. N. 1. P. 54-60. DOI: 10.17691/stm2019.11.1.06
- Yarets M.Y., Kuleva A.Yu., Galkin M.V., Vigalina K.D., Strunina Yu.V., Sharova E.V., Krotkova O.A. EEG Connectivity Аnalysis in Patients with Left and Right Hemispheric Mediobasal Meningiomas before and after the Therapeutic Radiation Exposure. Archives in Neurology & Neuroscience. 2019. V. 5. N. 3. P. 1-3. DOI: 10.33552/ANN.2019.05.000612
- Danilov G.V., Krotkova O.A., Kaverina M.Yu., Sharova E.V., Yarets M.Y., Kuleva A.Yu., Smirnov A.S., Zaharov V.O., Vigasina K.D., Strunina Y.V. Application of eye tracking technology for psychophysiological research in neurosurgery and rehabilitation of patients with severe motor and communication disorders. // III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Neurorehabilitation in Neurosurgery. 2017. P. 65-68.
- Krotkova O.A., Danilov G.V., Kaverina M.Yu., Kuleva A.Yu., Vigasina K.D. Eye tracking technology in the rehabilitation of patients with severe motor and communication disorders. // VIII International Congress of Neurorehabilitation-2016 (Moscow, June 9-10, 2016). 2016. P. 202-205.