24.04.12 в 15-00 в ИВНД и НФ РАН - I. Imaging genetics of episodic memory: Recent evidence from the Betula study,II. How does the brain produce an inner world of experiences?–fMRI evidence for how different brain regions contribute to consciousness.

24.04.2012 в 15:00 в конферец-зале ИВНД и НФ РАН пройдут лекции:   

I. Imaging genetics of episodic memory: Recent evidence from the Betula study

Prof. Lars Nyberg  (Университет Умео (Швеция), Integrative Medical Biology (IMB), Dep of  Fysiologi)

II. How does the brain produce an inner world of experiences? – fMRI evidence for how different brain regions contribute to consciousness.

Dr. Johan Eriksson (http://www.neurobiotech.ru/ru/Nyberg)